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Not-quite-a-dream, 11 April 1991

Last night a very interesting thing happened to me. I was lying very still, about to drift off to sleep, when all of sudden I started seeing things in front of me. I had trouble keeping my eyes fully closed, and I could still see things while my eyes were open. I knew that I was awake. It looked like I was in space...I was surrounded by a starry blackness, and translucent shapes flew past me. Some of them looked like cosmic material, others looked like they might have been faces had they had more definition.

I felt strange physically. It wasn't that I felt I couldn't move, but that I wasn't willing to move, like I had myself in restraint, and I was slightly tensed. I thought maybe I could have been experiencing an OBE, so I tried to call up a place to go (my boyfriend's place), but I didn't get there, and I tried calling to him and left a message, should he ever get it. I also saw something strange on the corner over my bed where the wall meets the ceiling, a white mass which didn't seem to move. I couldn't identify it, so I stopped looking at it before it spooked me. Eventually I let it go and drifted off to sleep.

(I also dreamed later that my jaw had locked shut and was very painful. It probably was because I was tense.)



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