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Dream, May 1990

Finally, a dream that isn't nasty. I dreamt that I was in Florida visiting friends and relatives, and that Dave had a house there, too. I remember Dave's house; I've seen it in an earlier dream, but I can't remember if he lived in it before. I managed to spend some time with Dave, and then a bunch of people asked me if I wanted to come with them on a moon mission. And if that wasn't odd enough, Lisa Isaacs was among them. I agreed to go; Dave wasn't thrilled about my leaving him so soon, but I said I wouldn't be gone long and that I'd spend more time with him when I got back. So I went with them and we spent a day getting prepared to go. We were all ready to leave--we even got so far as boarding the rocket, but I woke before we got around to taking off. I was really disappointed. I wanted to see what I would dream the moon was like.



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