Curio and Porpoise Bays, Southland (Catlins Region)

Passing briefly through Invercargill, we meandered along the Southern Scenic Route through the Catlins, stopping at a number of lovely isolated inlets and bays and staying overnight at a very pleasant bed-and-breakfast farmstay in Progress Valley.

Curio Bay at low tide reveals the petrified remants of a Jurassic-era forest. It's also a good spot for penguin-spotting if you're patient and willing to hide behind some of the boulders so that they don't get frightened. Dolphins can sometimes be spotted at Porpoise Bay, though we didn't see any.

Curio Bay, the site of a 160-million-year-old petrified forest.

Derek, reminded that geology has a way of making us all feel young. Those lumps are ancient tree stumps.

A reasonably well-defined petrified stump.

A shot of Porpoise Bay (nice sand patterns), taken from a bluff that also overlooks Curio Bay.

The guard-lamb at the Catlins Farmstay (Progress Valley). This cutie had quite a set of lungs!

View from the Florence Hill lookout, further up the Catlins coast.